Clerk’s Savage Comeback Left Her Speechless!
A blonde goes into a nearby store and asks a clerk if she can buy the TV in the corner. The clerk looks at her and…
A man boards a plane with six children.
After they get settled in their seats, a woman sitting across the aisle leans over to him and asks, Are all of those children yours?” He…
Two Drunks and a Strange Night Out
Two drunks visit a brothel. The madam takes a look at them and says to the girls, “Get 2 inflatable dolls, these guys are too…
People Who Learned a Harsh Truth That Changed Their Lives
I went to an international school in Asia where many of the students had rich parents Most kids were dropped off by their driver in…
The Night We Were Saved by a Future Criminal
My wife and I were returning from a party at 2 AM when our car died in a remote area. There were no mobiles then,…
13 Kind People Who Just Made Other People’s Life Better
My husband and I were riding a bus. A girl enters: duck lips, revealing outfit. My husband immediately is like, “Oh, hello!” Helps her with…
I Left My Granddaughter’s Wedding After Her Comment on My Appearance
At 70, I don’t usually bother with makeup or fancy dresses. But when my granddaughter invited me to her wedding, I wanted to feel beautiful…
Returned Home from My Wife’s Funeral to Find a Baby Carriage on My Doorstep
After losing my wife to cancer, I thought I’d lost any chance of having a family or happiness Then I found a mysterious baby carriage on…