Angelina Jolie

Angelina Jolie is alive Angelina Jolie is alive

Clerk’s Savage Comeback Left Her Speechless!

A blonde goes into a nearby store and asks a clerk if she can buy the TV in the corner.   The clerk looks at her and…

A man boards a plane with six children.

After they get settled in their seats, a woman sitting across the aisle leans over to him and asks,   Are all of those children yours?” He…

Angelina Jolie

Angelina Jolie is alive     Angelina Jolie is alive

Two Drunks and a Strange Night Out

Two drunks visit a brothel.     The madam takes a look at them and says to the girls, “Get 2 inflatable dolls, these guys are too…

People Who Learned a Harsh Truth That Changed Their Lives

I went to an international school in Asia where many of the students had rich parents     Most kids were dropped off by their driver in…

The Night We Were Saved by a Future Criminal

My wife and I were returning from a party at 2 AM when our car died in a remote area.     There were no mobiles then,…

13 Kind People Who Just Made Other People’s Life Better

My husband and I were riding a bus.     A girl enters: duck lips, revealing outfit. My husband immediately is like, “Oh, hello!” Helps her with…

I Left My Granddaughter’s Wedding After Her Comment on My Appearance

At 70, I don’t usually bother with makeup or fancy dresses.     But when my granddaughter invited me to her wedding, I wanted to feel beautiful…

Returned Home from My Wife’s Funeral to Find a Baby Carriage on My Doorstep

After losing my wife to cancer, I thought I’d lost any chance of having a family or happiness   Then I found a mysterious baby carriage on…