In a shocking turn of events, Deobra Redden, the man who attacked Clark County District Court Judge Mary Kay Holthus in a viral video earlier this year, has been sentenced to between 26 and 65 years in prison. The attack, which occurred on January 3, 2024, involved Redden vaulting over the judge’s bench and grabbing her hair.
The violent scene was captured on courtroom video, showing the judge falling back against a wall as Redden flung himself over her bench.
Redden, 31, pleaded guilty but mentally ill to attempted murder and other charges. During the sentencing, Judge Susan Johnson stated that the attack was an assault on the entire judiciary. Redden’s defense lawyer argued that his client was not taking his prescribed medication for schizophrenia at the time of the attack.
Despite Redden’s claims that he did not intend to kill the judge and that he cared about her well-being, Judge Holthus’ victim impact statement, read by prosecutors, described the attack as a conscious decision to kill her. Redden will be eligible for parole sometime after 2050.
The courtroom was filled with tension as Redden was led away, waving to his family and expressing remorse for his actions. This case has drawn significant attention to the importance of mental health treatment and the safety of judicial officers.