A kind gesture turned into a devastating tragedy when Hannah Glass, a college freshman, suffered a fatal allergic reaction after eating a brownie. The incident underscores the critical importance of allergy awareness and vigilance when it comes tohidden ingredients.
Hannah, a freshman at Maranatha Baptist University, had a well-documented peanut allergy. On November 4, 2024, a friend from her women’s group on campus gave her a brownie made with roasted peanut flour, unaware of its deadly implications. What was intended as a gluten-free treat quickly became a life-threatening mistake. “The second bite, she knew something was wrong,” her father, David Glass, recounted.
Immediately after consuming the brownie, Hannah experienced severe allergic symptoms, including vomiting and hives. Despite promptly using her EpiPen and taking Benadryl, her condition rapidly worsened. Within moments, her right lung collapsed a rare and extreme complication of anaphylaxis, leaving her fighting for her life.