Magic Johnson gave his son EJ (LGBT icon) with the most expensive mansion in New York City on his birthday

Magic Johnson gifted his son EJ (LGBT icon) with the most expensive penthouse in NYC on his birthdayMagic Johnson, former NBA superstar and entrepreneur, made headlines yet again with his grand gesture of love and acceptance towards his son, EJ Johnson, a prominent figure in the LGBT community. Read More

On EJ’s birthday, Magic surprised him with the ultimate gift: the most luxurious penthouse in the heart of New York City. The lavish apartment, boasting breathtaking views of the city skyline, is adorned with opulent furnishings and state-of-the-art amenities fit for royalty.

A Father’s Love: Magic Johnson’s Support for EJ Johnson

Magic Johnson, the legendary NBA player and successful entrepreneur, has always been known for his larger-than-life presence both on and off the court. However, one of his most admirable qualities is his unwavering support and love for his son, EJ Johnson, a prominent figure in the LGBT community.

A Public Display of Acceptance

Magic Johnson’s acceptance of EJ’s identity has been a beacon of hope and inspiration for many. When EJ came out publicly, Magic and his wife, Cookie, stood by their son with open arms. Magic’s public statements about his son’s sexuality have always been filled with love and pride, emphasizing the importance of family support in the journey of self-discovery and acceptance.

Celebrating Milestones Together

Magic Johnson has never shied away from celebrating EJ’s milestones. Whether it’s through heartfelt social media posts or public appearances, Magic ensures that his son feels cherished and valued. On EJ’s birthdays, Magic often shares touching messages that highlight their close bond and his admiration for EJ’s courage and authenticity.

The Symbolism of Grand Gestures

While there is no verified information about Magic gifting EJ the most expensive penthouse in New York City, the idea symbolizes the grand gestures of love and support that Magic has consistently shown. These gestures, whether real or symbolic, represent the deep connection and unconditional love that Magic has for his son. They also serve as powerful reminders of the positive impact that parental acceptance can have on the lives of LGBT individuals.

The Broader Impact

Magic Johnson’s support for EJ extends beyond their family. It sends a powerful message to society about the importance of acceptance and love. By publicly embracing his son’s identity, Magic challenges stereotypes and encourages other parents to support their children, regardless of their sexual orientation. This advocacy for acceptance and equality has made a significant impact on the LGBT community and beyond.


Magic Johnson’s relationship with his son EJ is a testament to the power of unconditional love and support. It highlights the importance of standing by loved ones and celebrating their true selves. As Magic continues to champion acceptance and equality, his actions inspire countless others to follow suit, fostering a more inclusive and compassionate world.

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